Source code for opcua.common.node

High level node object, to access node attribute
and browse address space
from datetime import datetime

from opcua import ua
from opcua.common import events
import opcua.common

def _check_results(results, reqlen=1):
    assert len(results) == reqlen, results
    for r in results:

def _to_nodeid(nodeid):
    if isinstance(nodeid, int):
        return ua.TwoByteNodeId(nodeid)
    elif isinstance(nodeid, Node):
        return nodeid.nodeid
    elif isinstance(nodeid, ua.NodeId):
        return nodeid
    elif type(nodeid) in (str, bytes):
        return ua.NodeId.from_string(nodeid)
        raise ua.UaError("Could not resolve '{0}' to a type id".format(nodeid))

[docs]class Node(object): """ High level node object, to access node attribute, browse and populate address space. Node objects are usefull as-is but they do not expose the entire OPC-UA protocol. Feel free to look at the code of this class and call directly UA services methods to optimize your code """ def __init__(self, server, nodeid): self.server = server self.nodeid = None if isinstance(nodeid, Node): self.nodeid = nodeid.nodeid elif isinstance(nodeid, ua.NodeId): self.nodeid = nodeid elif type(nodeid) in (str, bytes): self.nodeid = ua.NodeId.from_string(nodeid) elif isinstance(nodeid, int): self.nodeid = ua.NodeId(nodeid, 0) else: raise ua.UaError("argument to node must be a NodeId object or a string defining a nodeid found {0} of type {1}".format(nodeid, type(nodeid))) self.basenodeid = None def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Node) and self.nodeid == other.nodeid: return True return False def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __str__(self): return self.nodeid.to_string() def __repr__(self): return "Node({0})".format(self.nodeid) def __hash__(self): return self.nodeid.__hash__()
[docs] def get_browse_name(self): """ Get browse name of a node. A browse name is a QualifiedName object composed of a string(name) and a namespace index. """ result = self.get_attribute(ua.AttributeIds.BrowseName) return result.Value.Value
[docs] def get_display_name(self): """ get description attribute of node """ result = self.get_attribute(ua.AttributeIds.DisplayName) return result.Value.Value
[docs] def get_data_type(self): """ get data type of node as NodeId """ result = self.get_attribute(ua.AttributeIds.DataType) return result.Value.Value
[docs] def get_data_type_as_variant_type(self): """ get data type of node as VariantType This only works if node is a variable, otherwise type may not be convertible to VariantType """ result = self.get_attribute(ua.AttributeIds.DataType) return opcua.common.ua_utils.data_type_to_variant_type(Node(self.server, result.Value.Value))
[docs] def get_access_level(self): """ Get the access level attribute of the node as a set of AccessLevel enum values. """ result = self.get_attribute(ua.AttributeIds.AccessLevel) return ua.AccessLevel.parse_bitfield(result.Value.Value)
[docs] def get_user_access_level(self): """ Get the user access level attribute of the node as a set of AccessLevel enum values. """ result = self.get_attribute(ua.AttributeIds.UserAccessLevel) return ua.AccessLevel.parse_bitfield(result.Value.Value)
[docs] def get_event_notifier(self): """ Get the event notifier attribute of the node as a set of EventNotifier enum values. """ result = self.get_attribute(ua.AttributeIds.EventNotifier) return ua.EventNotifier.parse_bitfield(result.Value.Value)
[docs] def set_event_notifier(self, values): """ Set the event notifier attribute. :param values: an iterable of EventNotifier enum values. """ event_notifier_bitfield = ua.EventNotifier.to_bitfield(values) self.set_attribute(ua.AttributeIds.EventNotifier, ua.DataValue(ua.Variant(event_notifier_bitfield, ua.VariantType.Byte)))
[docs] def get_node_class(self): """ get node class attribute of node """ result = self.get_attribute(ua.AttributeIds.NodeClass) return result.Value.Value
[docs] def get_description(self): """ get description attribute class of node """ result = self.get_attribute(ua.AttributeIds.Description) return result.Value.Value
[docs] def get_value(self): """ Get value of a node as a python type. Only variables ( and properties) have values. An exception will be generated for other node types. WARNING: on server side, this function returns a ref to object in ua database. Do not modify it if it is a mutable object unless you know what you are doing """ result = self.get_data_value() return result.Value.Value
[docs] def get_data_value(self): """ Get value of a node as a DataValue object. Only variables (and properties) have values. An exception will be generated for other node types. DataValue contain a variable value as a variant as well as server and source timestamps """ return self.get_attribute(ua.AttributeIds.Value)
[docs] def set_array_dimensions(self, value): """ Set attribute ArrayDimensions of node make sure it has the correct data type """ v = ua.Variant(value, ua.VariantType.UInt32) self.set_attribute(ua.AttributeIds.ArrayDimensions, ua.DataValue(v))
[docs] def get_array_dimensions(self): """ Read and return ArrayDimensions attribute of node """ res = self.get_attribute(ua.AttributeIds.ArrayDimensions) return res.Value.Value
[docs] def set_value_rank(self, value): """ Set attribute ArrayDimensions of node """ v = ua.Variant(value, ua.VariantType.Int32) self.set_attribute(ua.AttributeIds.ValueRank, ua.DataValue(v))
[docs] def get_value_rank(self): """ Read and return ArrayDimensions attribute of node """ res = self.get_attribute(ua.AttributeIds.ValueRank) return res.Value.Value
[docs] def set_value(self, value, varianttype=None): """ Set value of a node. Only variables(properties) have values. An exception will be generated for other node types. value argument is either: * a python built-in type, converted to opc-ua optionnaly using the variantype argument. * a ua.Variant, varianttype is then ignored * a ua.DataValue, you then have full control over data send to server WARNING: On server side, ref to object is directly saved in our UA db, if this is a mutable object and you modfy it afterward, then the object in db will be modified without any data change event generated """ datavalue = None if isinstance(value, ua.DataValue): datavalue = value elif isinstance(value, ua.Variant): datavalue = ua.DataValue(value) datavalue.SourceTimestamp = datetime.utcnow() else: datavalue = ua.DataValue(ua.Variant(value, varianttype)) datavalue.SourceTimestamp = datetime.utcnow() self.set_attribute(ua.AttributeIds.Value, datavalue)
set_data_value = set_value
[docs] def set_writable(self, writable=True): """ Set node as writable by clients. A node is always writable on server side. """ if writable: self.set_attr_bit(ua.AttributeIds.AccessLevel, ua.AccessLevel.CurrentWrite) self.set_attr_bit(ua.AttributeIds.UserAccessLevel, ua.AccessLevel.CurrentWrite) else: self.unset_attr_bit(ua.AttributeIds.AccessLevel, ua.AccessLevel.CurrentWrite) self.unset_attr_bit(ua.AttributeIds.UserAccessLevel, ua.AccessLevel.CurrentWrite)
[docs] def set_attr_bit(self, attr, bit): val = self.get_attribute(attr) val.Value.Value = ua.ua_binary.set_bit(val.Value.Value, bit) self.set_attribute(attr, val)
[docs] def unset_attr_bit(self, attr, bit): val = self.get_attribute(attr) val.Value.Value = ua.ua_binary.unset_bit(val.Value.Value, bit) self.set_attribute(attr, val)
[docs] def set_read_only(self): """ Set a node as read-only for clients. A node is always writable on server side. """ return self.set_writable(False)
[docs] def set_attribute(self, attributeid, datavalue): """ Set an attribute of a node attributeid is a member of ua.AttributeIds datavalue is a ua.DataValue object """ attr = ua.WriteValue() attr.NodeId = self.nodeid attr.AttributeId = attributeid attr.Value = datavalue params = ua.WriteParameters() params.NodesToWrite = [attr] result = self.server.write(params) result[0].check()
[docs] def get_attribute(self, attr): """ Read one attribute of a node result code from server is checked and an exception is raised in case of error """ rv = ua.ReadValueId() rv.NodeId = self.nodeid rv.AttributeId = attr params = ua.ReadParameters() params.NodesToRead.append(rv) result = result[0].StatusCode.check() return result[0]
[docs] def get_attributes(self, attrs): """ Read several attributes of a node list of DataValue is returned """ params = ua.ReadParameters() for attr in attrs: rv = ua.ReadValueId() rv.NodeId = self.nodeid rv.AttributeId = attr params.NodesToRead.append(rv) results = return results
[docs] def get_children(self, refs=ua.ObjectIds.HierarchicalReferences, nodeclassmask=ua.NodeClass.Unspecified): """ Get all children of a node. By default hierarchical references and all node classes are returned. Other reference types may be given: References = 31 NonHierarchicalReferences = 32 HierarchicalReferences = 33 HasChild = 34 Organizes = 35 HasEventSource = 36 HasModellingRule = 37 HasEncoding = 38 HasDescription = 39 HasTypeDefinition = 40 GeneratesEvent = 41 Aggregates = 44 HasSubtype = 45 HasProperty = 46 HasComponent = 47 HasNotifier = 48 HasOrderedComponent = 49 """ return self.get_referenced_nodes(refs, ua.BrowseDirection.Forward, nodeclassmask)
[docs] def get_properties(self): """ return properties of node. properties are child nodes with a reference of type HasProperty and a NodeClass of Variable """ return self.get_children(refs=ua.ObjectIds.HasProperty, nodeclassmask=ua.NodeClass.Variable)
[docs] def get_variables(self): """ return variables of node. properties are child nodes with a reference of type HasComponent and a NodeClass of Variable """ return self.get_children(refs=ua.ObjectIds.HasComponent, nodeclassmask=ua.NodeClass.Variable)
[docs] def get_methods(self): """ return methods of node. properties are child nodes with a reference of type HasComponent and a NodeClass of Method """ return self.get_children(refs=ua.ObjectIds.HasComponent, nodeclassmask=ua.NodeClass.Method)
[docs] def get_children_descriptions(self, refs=ua.ObjectIds.HierarchicalReferences, nodeclassmask=ua.NodeClass.Unspecified, includesubtypes=True): return self.get_references(refs, ua.BrowseDirection.Forward, nodeclassmask, includesubtypes)
[docs] def get_encoding_refs(self): return self.get_referenced_nodes(ua.ObjectIds.HasEncoding, ua.BrowseDirection.Forward)
[docs] def get_description_refs(self): return self.get_referenced_nodes(ua.ObjectIds.HasDescription, ua.BrowseDirection.Forward)
[docs] def get_references(self, refs=ua.ObjectIds.References, direction=ua.BrowseDirection.Both, nodeclassmask=ua.NodeClass.Unspecified, includesubtypes=True): """ returns references of the node based on specific filter defined with: refs = ObjectId of the Reference direction = Browse direction for references nodeclassmask = filter nodes based on specific class includesubtypes = If true subtypes of the reference (ref) are also included """ desc = ua.BrowseDescription() desc.BrowseDirection = direction desc.ReferenceTypeId = _to_nodeid(refs) desc.IncludeSubtypes = includesubtypes desc.NodeClassMask = nodeclassmask desc.ResultMask = ua.BrowseResultMask.All desc.NodeId = self.nodeid params = ua.BrowseParameters() params.View.Timestamp = ua.get_win_epoch() params.NodesToBrowse.append(desc) params.RequestedMaxReferencesPerNode = 0 results = self.server.browse(params) references = self._browse_next(results) return references
def _browse_next(self, results): references = results[0].References while results[0].ContinuationPoint: params = ua.BrowseNextParameters() params.ContinuationPoints = [results[0].ContinuationPoint] params.ReleaseContinuationPoints = False results = self.server.browse_next(params) references.extend(results[0].References) return references
[docs] def get_referenced_nodes(self, refs=ua.ObjectIds.References, direction=ua.BrowseDirection.Both, nodeclassmask=ua.NodeClass.Unspecified, includesubtypes=True): """ returns referenced nodes based on specific filter Paramters are the same as for get_references """ references = self.get_references(refs, direction, nodeclassmask, includesubtypes) nodes = [] for desc in references: node = Node(self.server, desc.NodeId) nodes.append(node) return nodes
[docs] def get_type_definition(self): """ returns type definition of the node. """ references = self.get_references(refs=ua.ObjectIds.HasTypeDefinition, direction=ua.BrowseDirection.Forward) if len(references) == 0: return None return references[0].NodeId
[docs] def get_path(self, max_length=20, as_string=False): """ Attempt to find path of node from root node and return it as a list of Nodes. There might several possible paths to a node, this function will return one Some nodes may be missing references, so this method may return an empty list Since address space may have circular references, a max length is specified """ path = self._get_path(max_length) path = [Node(self.server, ref.NodeId) for ref in path] path.append(self) if as_string: path = [el.get_browse_name().to_string() for el in path] return path
def _get_path(self, max_length=20): """ Attempt to find path of node from root node and return it as a list of Nodes. There might several possible paths to a node, this function will return one Some nodes may be missing references, so this method may return an empty list Since address space may have circular references, a max length is specified """ path = [] node = self while True: refs = node.get_references(refs=ua.ObjectIds.HierarchicalReferences, direction=ua.BrowseDirection.Inverse) if len(refs) > 0: path.insert(0, refs[0]) node = Node(self.server, refs[0].NodeId) if len(path) >= (max_length -1): return path else: return path
[docs] def get_parent(self): """ returns parent of the node. A Node may have several parents, the first found is returned. This method uses reverse references, a node might be missing such a link, thus we will not find its parent. """ refs = self.get_references(refs=ua.ObjectIds.HierarchicalReferences, direction=ua.BrowseDirection.Inverse) if len(refs) > 0: return Node(self.server, refs[0].NodeId) else: return None
[docs] def get_child(self, path): """ get a child specified by its path from this node. A path might be: * a string representing a qualified name. * a qualified name * a list of string * a list of qualified names """ if type(path) not in (list, tuple): path = [path] rpath = self._make_relative_path(path) bpath = ua.BrowsePath() bpath.StartingNode = self.nodeid bpath.RelativePath = rpath result = self.server.translate_browsepaths_to_nodeids([bpath]) result = result[0] result.StatusCode.check() # FIXME: seems this method may return several nodes return Node(self.server, result.Targets[0].TargetId)
def _make_relative_path(self, path): rpath = ua.RelativePath() for item in path: el = ua.RelativePathElement() el.ReferenceTypeId = ua.TwoByteNodeId(ua.ObjectIds.HierarchicalReferences) el.IsInverse = False el.IncludeSubtypes = True if isinstance(item, ua.QualifiedName): el.TargetName = item else: el.TargetName = ua.QualifiedName.from_string(item) rpath.Elements.append(el) return rpath
[docs] def read_raw_history(self, starttime=None, endtime=None, numvalues=0): """ Read raw history of a node result code from server is checked and an exception is raised in case of error If numvalues is > 0 and number of events in period is > numvalues then result will be truncated """ details = ua.ReadRawModifiedDetails() details.IsReadModified = False if starttime: details.StartTime = starttime else: details.StartTime = ua.get_win_epoch() if endtime: details.EndTime = endtime else: details.EndTime = ua.get_win_epoch() details.NumValuesPerNode = numvalues details.ReturnBounds = True result = self.history_read(details) result.StatusCode.check() return result.HistoryData.DataValues
[docs] def history_read(self, details): """ Read raw history of a node, low-level function result code from server is checked and an exception is raised in case of error """ valueid = ua.HistoryReadValueId() valueid.NodeId = self.nodeid valueid.IndexRange = '' params = ua.HistoryReadParameters() params.HistoryReadDetails = details params.TimestampsToReturn = ua.TimestampsToReturn.Both params.ReleaseContinuationPoints = False params.NodesToRead.append(valueid) result = self.server.history_read(params)[0] return result
[docs] def read_event_history(self, starttime=None, endtime=None, numvalues=0, evtypes=ua.ObjectIds.BaseEventType): """ Read event history of a source node result code from server is checked and an exception is raised in case of error If numvalues is > 0 and number of events in period is > numvalues then result will be truncated """ details = ua.ReadEventDetails() if starttime: details.StartTime = starttime else: details.StartTime = ua.get_win_epoch() if endtime: details.EndTime = endtime else: details.EndTime = ua.get_win_epoch() details.NumValuesPerNode = numvalues if not isinstance(evtypes, (list, tuple)): evtypes = [evtypes] evtypes = [Node(self.server, evtype) for evtype in evtypes] evfilter = events.get_filter_from_event_type(evtypes) details.Filter = evfilter result = self.history_read_events(details) result.StatusCode.check() event_res = [] for res in result.HistoryData.Events: event_res.append(events.Event.from_event_fields(evfilter.SelectClauses, res.EventFields)) return event_res
[docs] def history_read_events(self, details): """ Read event history of a node, low-level function result code from server is checked and an exception is raised in case of error """ valueid = ua.HistoryReadValueId() valueid.NodeId = self.nodeid valueid.IndexRange = '' params = ua.HistoryReadParameters() params.HistoryReadDetails = details params.TimestampsToReturn = ua.TimestampsToReturn.Both params.ReleaseContinuationPoints = False params.NodesToRead.append(valueid) result = self.server.history_read(params)[0] return result
[docs] def delete(self, delete_references=True, recursive=False): """ Delete node from address space """ nodes, results = opcua.common.manage_nodes.delete_nodes(self.server, [self], recursive, delete_references) for r in results: r.check() return nodes
def _fill_delete_reference_item(self, rdesc, bidirectional = False): ditem = ua.DeleteReferencesItem() ditem.SourceNodeId = self.nodeid ditem.TargetNodeId = rdesc.NodeId ditem.ReferenceTypeId = rdesc.ReferenceTypeId ditem.IsForward = rdesc.IsForward ditem.DeleteBidirectional = bidirectional return ditem
[docs] def delete_reference(self, target, reftype, forward=True, bidirectional=True): """ Delete given node's references from address space """ known_refs = self.get_references(reftype, includesubtypes=False) targetid = _to_nodeid(target) for r in known_refs: if r.NodeId == targetid and r.IsForward == forward: rdesc = r break else: raise ua.UaStatusCodeError(ua.StatusCodes.BadNotFound) ditem = self._fill_delete_reference_item(rdesc, bidirectional) self.server.delete_references([ditem])[0].check()
[docs] def add_reference(self, target, reftype, forward=True, bidirectional=True): """ Add reference to node """ aitem = ua.AddReferencesItem() aitem.SourceNodeId = self.nodeid aitem.TargetNodeId = _to_nodeid(target) aitem.ReferenceTypeId = _to_nodeid(reftype) aitem.IsForward = forward params = [aitem] if bidirectional: aitem2 = ua.AddReferencesItem() aitem2.SourceNodeId = aitem.TargetNodeId aitem2.TargetNodeId = aitem.SourceNodeId aitem2.ReferenceTypeId = aitem.ReferenceTypeId aitem2.IsForward = not forward params.append(aitem2) results = self.server.add_references(params) for r in results: r.check()
[docs] def set_modelling_rule(self, mandatory): """ Add a modelling rule reference to Node. When creating a new object type, its variable and child nodes will not be instanciated if they do not have modelling rule if mandatory is None, the modelling rule is removed """ # remove all existing modelling rule rules = self.get_references(ua.ObjectIds.HasModellingRule) self.server.delete_references(list(map(self._fill_delete_reference_item, rules))) # add new modelling rule as requested if mandatory is not None: rule = ua.ObjectIds.ModellingRule_Mandatory if mandatory else ua.ObjectIds.ModellingRule_Optional self.add_reference(rule, ua.ObjectIds.HasModellingRule, True, False)
[docs] def add_folder(self, nodeid, bname): return opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_folder(self, nodeid, bname)
[docs] def add_object(self, nodeid, bname, objecttype=None): return opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_object(self, nodeid, bname, objecttype)
[docs] def add_variable(self, nodeid, bname, val, varianttype=None, datatype=None): return opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_variable(self, nodeid, bname, val, varianttype, datatype)
[docs] def add_object_type(self, nodeid, bname): return opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_object_type(self, nodeid, bname)
[docs] def add_variable_type(self, nodeid, bname, datatype): return opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_variable_type(self, nodeid, bname, datatype)
[docs] def add_data_type(self, nodeid, bname, description=None): return opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_data_type(self, nodeid, bname, description=description)
[docs] def add_property(self, nodeid, bname, val, varianttype=None, datatype=None): return opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_property(self, nodeid, bname, val, varianttype, datatype)
[docs] def add_method(self, *args): return opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_method(self, *args)
[docs] def add_reference_type(self, nodeid, bname, symmetric=True, inversename=None): return opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_reference_type(self, nodeid, bname, symmetric, inversename)
[docs] def call_method(self, methodid, *args): return opcua.common.methods.call_method(self, methodid, *args)
[docs] def register(self): """ Register node for faster read and write access (if supported by server) Rmw: This call modifies the nodeid of the node, the original nodeid is available as node.basenodeid """ nodeid = self.server.register_nodes([self.nodeid])[0] self.basenodeid = self.nodeid self.nodeid = nodeid
[docs] def unregister(self): if self.basenodeid is None: return self.server.unregister_nodes([self.nodeid]) self.nodeid = self.basenodeid self.basenodeid = None