Source code for opcua.client.client

from __future__ import division  # support for python2
from threading import Thread, Condition
import concurrent.futures
import logging
    from urllib.parse import urlparse
except ImportError:  # support for python2
    from urlparse import urlparse

from opcua import ua
from opcua.client.ua_client import UaClient
from opcua.common.xmlimporter import XmlImporter
from opcua.common.xmlexporter import XmlExporter
from opcua.common.node import Node
from opcua.common.manage_nodes import delete_nodes
from opcua.common.subscription import Subscription
from opcua.common import utils
from opcua.common import ua_utils
from opcua.crypto import security_policies
from opcua.common.shortcuts import Shortcuts
from opcua.common.structures import load_type_definitions, load_enums
use_crypto = True
    from opcua.crypto import uacrypto
except ImportError:
    use_crypto = False

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class KeepAlive(Thread): """ Used by Client to keep the session open. OPCUA defines timeout both for sessions and secure channel """ def __init__(self, client, timeout): """ :param session_timeout: Timeout to re-new the session in milliseconds. """ Thread.__init__(self) _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.client = client self._dostop = False self._cond = Condition() self.timeout = timeout # some server support no timeout, but we do not trust them if self.timeout == 0: self.timeout = 3600000 # 1 hour
[docs] def run(self): _logger.debug("starting keepalive thread with period of %s milliseconds", self.timeout) server_state = self.client.get_node(ua.FourByteNodeId(ua.ObjectIds.Server_ServerStatus_State)) while not self._dostop: with self._cond: self._cond.wait(self.timeout / 1000) if self._dostop: break _logger.debug("renewing channel") try: self.client.open_secure_channel(renew=True) except concurrent.futures.TimeoutError: _logger.debug("keepalive failed: timeout on open_secure_channel()") break val = server_state.get_value() _logger.debug("server state is: %s ", val) _logger.debug("keepalive thread has stopped")
[docs] def stop(self): _logger.debug("stoping keepalive thread") self._dostop = True with self._cond: self._cond.notify_all()
[docs]class Client(object): """ High level client to connect to an OPC-UA server. This class makes it easy to connect and browse address space. It attempts to expose as much functionality as possible but if you want more flexibility it is possible and advised to use the UaClient object, available as self.uaclient, which offers the raw OPC-UA services interface. """ if use_crypto is False: logging.getLogger(__name__).warning("cryptography is not installed, use of crypto disabled") def __init__(self, url, timeout=4): """ :param url: url of the server. if you are unsure of url, write at least hostname and port and call get_endpoints :param timeout: Each request sent to the server expects an answer within this time. The timeout is specified in seconds. Some other client parameters can be changed by setting attributes on the constructed object: secure_channel_timeout Timeout for the secure channel, specified in milliseconds. session_timeout Timeout for the session, specified in milliseconds. See the source code for the exhaustive list. """ _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.server_url = urlparse(url) # take initial username and password from the url self._username = self.server_url.username self._password = self.server_url.password = "Pure Python Client" self.description = self.application_uri = "urn:freeopcua:client" self.product_uri = "" self.security_policy = ua.SecurityPolicy() self.secure_channel_id = None self.secure_channel_timeout = 3600000 # 1 hour self.session_timeout = 3600000 # 1 hour self._policy_ids = [] self.uaclient = UaClient(timeout) self.user_certificate = None self.user_private_key = None self._server_nonce = None self._session_counter = 1 self.keepalive = None self.nodes = Shortcuts(self.uaclient) self.max_messagesize = 0 # No limits self.max_chunkcount = 0 # No limits def __enter__(self): self.connect() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.disconnect()
[docs] @staticmethod def find_endpoint(endpoints, security_mode, policy_uri): """ Find endpoint with required security mode and policy URI """ for ep in endpoints: if (ep.EndpointUrl.startswith(ua.OPC_TCP_SCHEME) and ep.SecurityMode == security_mode and ep.SecurityPolicyUri == policy_uri): return ep raise ua.UaError("No matching endpoints: {0}, {1}".format(security_mode, policy_uri))
[docs] def set_user(self, username): """ Set user name for the connection. initial user from the URL will be overwritten """ self._username = username
[docs] def set_password(self, pwd): """ Set user password for the connection. initial password from the URL will be overwritten """ self._password = pwd
[docs] def set_security_string(self, string): """ Set SecureConnection mode. String format: Policy,Mode,certificate,private_key[,server_private_key] where Policy is Basic128Rsa15, Basic256 or Basic256Sha256, Mode is Sign or SignAndEncrypt certificate, private_key and server_private_key are paths to .pem or .der files Call this before connect() """ if not string: return parts = string.split(',') if len(parts) < 4: raise ua.UaError('Wrong format: `{0}`, expected at least 4 comma-separated values'.format(string)) policy_class = getattr(security_policies, 'SecurityPolicy' + parts[0]) mode = getattr(ua.MessageSecurityMode, parts[1]) return self.set_security(policy_class, parts[2], parts[3], parts[4] if len(parts) >= 5 else None, mode)
[docs] def set_security(self, policy, certificate_path, private_key_path, server_certificate_path=None, mode=ua.MessageSecurityMode.SignAndEncrypt): """ Set SecureConnection mode. Call this before connect() """ if server_certificate_path is None: # load certificate from server's list of endpoints endpoints = self.connect_and_get_server_endpoints() endpoint = Client.find_endpoint(endpoints, mode, policy.URI) server_cert = uacrypto.x509_from_der(endpoint.ServerCertificate) else: server_cert = uacrypto.load_certificate(server_certificate_path) cert = uacrypto.load_certificate(certificate_path) pk = uacrypto.load_private_key(private_key_path) self.security_policy = policy(server_cert, cert, pk, mode) self.uaclient.set_security(self.security_policy)
[docs] def load_client_certificate(self, path): """ load our certificate from file, either pem or der """ self.user_certificate = uacrypto.load_certificate(path)
[docs] def load_private_key(self, path): """ Load user private key. This is used for authenticating using certificate """ self.user_private_key = uacrypto.load_private_key(path)
[docs] def connect_and_get_server_endpoints(self): """ Connect, ask server for endpoints, and disconnect """ self.connect_socket() try: self.send_hello() self.open_secure_channel() endpoints = self.get_endpoints() self.close_secure_channel() finally: self.disconnect_socket() return endpoints
[docs] def connect_and_find_servers(self): """ Connect, ask server for a list of known servers, and disconnect """ self.connect_socket() try: self.send_hello() self.open_secure_channel() # spec says it should not be necessary to open channel servers = self.find_servers() self.close_secure_channel() finally: self.disconnect_socket() return servers
[docs] def connect_and_find_servers_on_network(self): """ Connect, ask server for a list of known servers on network, and disconnect """ self.connect_socket() try: self.send_hello() self.open_secure_channel() servers = self.find_servers_on_network() self.close_secure_channel() finally: self.disconnect_socket() return servers
[docs] def connect(self): """ High level method Connect, create and activate session """ self.connect_socket() try: self.send_hello() self.open_secure_channel() try: self.create_session() try: self.activate_session(username=self._username, password=self._password, certificate=self.user_certificate) except Exception: # clean up the session self.close_session() raise except Exception: # clean up the secure channel self.close_secure_channel() raise except Exception: self.disconnect_socket() # clean up open socket raise
[docs] def disconnect(self): """ High level method Close session, secure channel and socket """ try: self.close_session() self.close_secure_channel() finally: self.disconnect_socket()
[docs] def connect_socket(self): """ connect to socket defined in url """ self.uaclient.connect_socket(self.server_url.hostname, self.server_url.port)
[docs] def disconnect_socket(self): self.uaclient.disconnect_socket()
[docs] def send_hello(self): """ Send OPC-UA hello to server """ ack = self.uaclient.send_hello(self.server_url.geturl(), self.max_messagesize, self.max_chunkcount) # TODO: Handle ua.UaError if isinstance(ack, ua.UaStatusCodeError): raise ack
[docs] def open_secure_channel(self, renew=False): """ Open secure channel, if renew is True, renew channel """ params = ua.OpenSecureChannelParameters() params.ClientProtocolVersion = 0 params.RequestType = ua.SecurityTokenRequestType.Issue if renew: params.RequestType = ua.SecurityTokenRequestType.Renew params.SecurityMode = self.security_policy.Mode params.RequestedLifetime = self.secure_channel_timeout # length should be equal to the length of key of symmetric encryption params.ClientNonce = utils.create_nonce(self.security_policy.symmetric_key_size) # this nonce is used to create a symmetric key result = self.uaclient.open_secure_channel(params) if self.secure_channel_timeout != result.SecurityToken.RevisedLifetime: _logger.warning("Requested secure channel timeout to be %dms, got %dms instead", self.secure_channel_timeout, result.SecurityToken.RevisedLifetime) self.secure_channel_timeout = result.SecurityToken.RevisedLifetime
[docs] def close_secure_channel(self): return self.uaclient.close_secure_channel()
[docs] def get_endpoints(self): params = ua.GetEndpointsParameters() params.EndpointUrl = self.server_url.geturl() return self.uaclient.get_endpoints(params)
[docs] def find_servers(self, uris=None): """ send a FindServer request to the server. The answer should be a list of servers the server knows about A list of uris can be provided, only server having matching uris will be returned """ if uris is None: uris = [] params = ua.FindServersParameters() params.EndpointUrl = self.server_url.geturl() params.ServerUris = uris return self.uaclient.find_servers(params)
[docs] def find_servers_on_network(self): params = ua.FindServersOnNetworkParameters() return self.uaclient.find_servers_on_network(params)
[docs] def create_session(self): """ send a CreateSessionRequest to server with reasonable parameters. If you want o modify settings look at code of this methods and make your own """ desc = ua.ApplicationDescription() desc.ApplicationUri = self.application_uri desc.ProductUri = self.product_uri desc.ApplicationName = ua.LocalizedText( desc.ApplicationType = ua.ApplicationType.Client params = ua.CreateSessionParameters() # at least 32 random bytes for server to prove possession of private key (specs part 4, nonce = utils.create_nonce(32) params.ClientNonce = nonce params.ClientCertificate = self.security_policy.client_certificate params.ClientDescription = desc params.EndpointUrl = self.server_url.geturl() params.SessionName = self.description + " Session" + str(self._session_counter) params.RequestedSessionTimeout = self.session_timeout params.MaxResponseMessageSize = 0 # means no max size response = self.uaclient.create_session(params) if self.security_policy.client_certificate is None: data = nonce else: data = self.security_policy.client_certificate + nonce self.security_policy.asymmetric_cryptography.verify(data, response.ServerSignature.Signature) self._server_nonce = response.ServerNonce if not self.security_policy.server_certificate: self.security_policy.server_certificate = response.ServerCertificate elif self.security_policy.server_certificate != response.ServerCertificate: raise ua.UaError("Server certificate mismatch") # remember PolicyId's: we will use them in activate_session() ep = Client.find_endpoint(response.ServerEndpoints, self.security_policy.Mode, self.security_policy.URI) self._policy_ids = ep.UserIdentityTokens if self.session_timeout != response.RevisedSessionTimeout: _logger.warning("Requested session timeout to be %dms, got %dms instead", self.secure_channel_timeout, response.RevisedSessionTimeout) self.session_timeout = response.RevisedSessionTimeout self.keepalive = KeepAlive( self, min(self.session_timeout, self.secure_channel_timeout) * 0.7) # 0.7 is from spec self.keepalive.start() return response
[docs] def server_policy_id(self, token_type, default): """ Find PolicyId of server's UserTokenPolicy by token_type. Return default if there's no matching UserTokenPolicy. """ for policy in self._policy_ids: if policy.TokenType == token_type: return policy.PolicyId return default
[docs] def server_policy_uri(self, token_type): """ Find SecurityPolicyUri of server's UserTokenPolicy by token_type. If SecurityPolicyUri is empty, use default SecurityPolicyUri of the endpoint """ for policy in self._policy_ids: if policy.TokenType == token_type: if policy.SecurityPolicyUri: return policy.SecurityPolicyUri else: # empty URI means "use this endpoint's policy URI" return self.security_policy.URI return self.security_policy.URI
[docs] def activate_session(self, username=None, password=None, certificate=None): """ Activate session using either username and password or private_key """ params = ua.ActivateSessionParameters() challenge = b"" if self.security_policy.server_certificate is not None: challenge += self.security_policy.server_certificate if self._server_nonce is not None: challenge += self._server_nonce if self.security_policy.AsymmetricSignatureURI: params.ClientSignature.Algorithm = ( self.security_policy.AsymmetricSignatureURI ) else: params.ClientSignature.Algorithm = ( security_policies.SecurityPolicyBasic256.AsymmetricSignatureURI ) params.ClientSignature.Signature = self.security_policy.asymmetric_cryptography.signature(challenge) params.LocaleIds.append("en") if not username and not certificate: self._add_anonymous_auth(params) elif certificate: self._add_certificate_auth(params, certificate, challenge) else: self._add_user_auth(params, username, password) return self.uaclient.activate_session(params)
def _add_anonymous_auth(self, params): params.UserIdentityToken = ua.AnonymousIdentityToken() params.UserIdentityToken.PolicyId = self.server_policy_id(ua.UserTokenType.Anonymous, "anonymous") def _add_certificate_auth(self, params, certificate, challenge): params.UserIdentityToken = ua.X509IdentityToken() params.UserIdentityToken.CertificateData = uacrypto.der_from_x509(certificate) # specs part 4, the data to sign is created by appending # the last serverNonce to the serverCertificate params.UserTokenSignature = ua.SignatureData() if == "sha256": params.UserIdentityToken.PolicyId = self.server_policy_id(ua.UserTokenType.Certificate, "certificate_basic256sha256") sig = uacrypto.sign_sha256(self.user_private_key, challenge) params.UserTokenSignature.Algorithm = "" params.UserTokenSignature.Signature = sig else: params.UserIdentityToken.PolicyId = self.server_policy_id(ua.UserTokenType.Certificate, "certificate_basic256") sig = uacrypto.sign_sha1(self.user_private_key, challenge) params.UserTokenSignature.Algorithm = "" params.UserTokenSignature.Signature = sig def _add_user_auth(self, params, username, password): params.UserIdentityToken = ua.UserNameIdentityToken() params.UserIdentityToken.UserName = username policy_uri = self.server_policy_uri(ua.UserTokenType.UserName) if not policy_uri or policy_uri == security_policies.POLICY_NONE_URI: # see specs part 4, 7.36.3: if the token is NOT encrypted, # then the password only contains UTF-8 encoded password # and EncryptionAlgorithm is null if self._password: _logger.warning("Sending plain-text password") params.UserIdentityToken.Password = password.encode('utf8') params.UserIdentityToken.EncryptionAlgorithm = None elif self._password: data, uri = self._encrypt_password(password, policy_uri) params.UserIdentityToken.Password = data params.UserIdentityToken.EncryptionAlgorithm = uri params.UserIdentityToken.PolicyId = self.server_policy_id(ua.UserTokenType.UserName, "username_basic256") def _encrypt_password(self, password, policy_uri): pubkey = uacrypto.x509_from_der(self.security_policy.server_certificate).public_key() # see specs part 4, 7.36.3: if the token is encrypted, password # shall be converted to UTF-8 and serialized with server nonce passwd = password.encode("utf8") if self._server_nonce is not None: passwd += self._server_nonce etoken = ua.ua_binary.Primitives.Bytes.pack(passwd) data, uri = security_policies.encrypt_asymmetric(pubkey, etoken, policy_uri) return data, uri
[docs] def close_session(self): """ Close session """ if self.keepalive and self.keepalive.is_alive(): self.keepalive.stop() self.keepalive.join() return self.uaclient.close_session(True)
[docs] def get_root_node(self): return self.get_node(ua.TwoByteNodeId(ua.ObjectIds.RootFolder))
[docs] def get_objects_node(self): return self.get_node(ua.TwoByteNodeId(ua.ObjectIds.ObjectsFolder))
[docs] def get_server_node(self): return self.get_node(ua.FourByteNodeId(ua.ObjectIds.Server))
[docs] def get_node(self, nodeid): """ Get node using NodeId object or a string representing a NodeId """ return Node(self.uaclient, nodeid)
[docs] def create_subscription(self, period, handler): """ Create a subscription. returns a Subscription object which allow to subscribe to events or data on server handler argument is a class with data_change and/or event methods. period argument is either a publishing interval in milliseconds or a CreateSubscriptionParameters instance. The second option should be used, if the opcua-server has problems with the default options. These methods will be called when notfication from server are received. See Do not do expensive/slow or network operation from these methods since they are called directly from receiving thread. This is a design choice, start another thread if you need to do such a thing. """ if isinstance(period, ua.CreateSubscriptionParameters): return Subscription(self.uaclient, period, handler) params = ua.CreateSubscriptionParameters() params.RequestedPublishingInterval = period params.RequestedLifetimeCount = 10000 params.RequestedMaxKeepAliveCount = 3000 params.MaxNotificationsPerPublish = 10000 params.PublishingEnabled = True params.Priority = 0 return Subscription(self.uaclient, params, handler)
[docs] def reconciliate_subscription(self, subscription): """ Reconciliate the server state with the client """ node = self.get_node( ua.FourByteNodeId(ua.ObjectIds.Server) ) # returns server and client handles monitored_items = node.call_method( ua.uatypes.QualifiedName("GetMonitoredItems"), ua.Variant(subscription.subscription_id, ua.VariantType.UInt32) ) return subscription.reconciliate(monitored_items)
[docs] def get_namespace_array(self): ns_node = self.get_node(ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.Server_NamespaceArray)) return ns_node.get_value()
[docs] def get_namespace_index(self, uri): uries = self.get_namespace_array() return uries.index(uri)
[docs] def delete_nodes(self, nodes, recursive=False): return delete_nodes(self.uaclient, nodes, recursive)
[docs] def import_xml(self, path=None, xmlstring=None): """ Import nodes defined in xml """ importer = XmlImporter(self) return importer.import_xml(path, xmlstring)
[docs] def export_xml(self, nodes, path): """ Export defined nodes to xml """ exp = XmlExporter(self) exp.build_etree(nodes) return exp.write_xml(path)
[docs] def register_namespace(self, uri): """ Register a new namespace. Nodes should in custom namespace, not 0. This method is mainly implemented for symetry with server """ ns_node = self.get_node(ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.Server_NamespaceArray)) uries = ns_node.get_value() if uri in uries: return uries.index(uri) uries.append(uri) ns_node.set_value(uries) return len(uries) - 1
[docs] def load_type_definitions(self, nodes=None): """ Load custom types (custom structures/extension objects) definition from server Generate Python classes for custom structures/extension objects defined in server These classes will available in ua module """ return load_type_definitions(self, nodes)
[docs] def load_enums(self): """ generate Python enums for custom enums on server. This enums will be available in ua module """ return load_enums(self)
[docs] def register_nodes(self, nodes): """ Register nodes for faster read and write access (if supported by server) Rmw: This call modifies the nodeid of the nodes, the original nodeid is available as node.basenodeid """ nodeids = [node.nodeid for node in nodes] nodeids = self.uaclient.register_nodes(nodeids) for node, nodeid in zip(nodes, nodeids): node.basenodeid = node.nodeid node.nodeid = nodeid return nodes
[docs] def unregister_nodes(self, nodes): """ Unregister nodes """ nodeids = [node.nodeid for node in nodes] self.uaclient.unregister_nodes(nodeids) for node in nodes: node.nodeid = node.basenodeid node.basenodeid = None
[docs] def get_values(self, nodes): """ Read the value of multiple nodes in one roundtrip. """ nodes = [node.nodeid for node in nodes] results = self.uaclient.get_attributes(nodes, ua.AttributeIds.Value) return [result.Value.Value for result in results]
[docs] def set_values(self, nodes, values): """ Write values to multiple nodes in one ua call """ nodeids = [node.nodeid for node in nodes] dvs = [ua_utils.value_to_datavalue(val) for val in values] results = self.uaclient.set_attributes(nodeids, dvs, ua.AttributeIds.Value) for result in results: result.check()