Source code for

implement ua datatypes

import logging
from enum import Enum, IntEnum
from calendar import timegm
import pytz
import sys
import os
import uuid
import re
import itertools
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, MAXYEAR, tzinfo

from import status_codes
from import ObjectIds
from import UaError
from import UaStatusCodeError
from import UaStringParsingError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

if sys.version_info.major > 2:
    unicode = str

EPOCH_AS_FILETIME = 116444736000000000  # January 1, 1970 as MS file time
FILETIME_EPOCH_AS_DATETIME = datetime(1601, 1, 1)

# method copied from David Buxton <> sample code
[docs]def datetime_to_win_epoch(dt): if (dt.tzinfo is None) or (dt.tzinfo.utcoffset(dt) is None): dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) else: dt = dt.astimezone(tz=pytz.utc) ft = EPOCH_AS_FILETIME + (timegm(dt.timetuple()) * HUNDREDS_OF_NANOSECONDS) return ft + (dt.microsecond * 10)
[docs]def get_win_epoch(): return win_epoch_to_datetime(0)
[docs]def win_epoch_to_datetime(epch): try: return FILETIME_EPOCH_AS_DATETIME + timedelta(microseconds=epch // 10) except OverflowError: # FILETIMEs after 31 Dec 9999 can't be converted to datetime logger.warning("datetime overflow: %s", epch) return datetime(MAXYEAR, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999999)
class _FrozenClass(object): """ Make it impossible to add members to a class. Not pythonic at all but we found out it prevents many many bugs in use of protocol structures """ _freeze = False def __setattr__(self, key, value): if self._freeze and not hasattr(self, key): raise TypeError("Error adding member '{0}' to class '{1}', class is frozen, members are {2}".format( key, self.__class__.__name__, self.__dict__.keys())) object.__setattr__(self, key, value) if "PYOPCUA_TYPO_CHECK" in os.environ: # typo check is cpu consuming, but it will make debug easy. # set PYOPCUA_TYPO_CHECK will make all uatype classes inherit from _FrozenClass FrozenClass = _FrozenClass else: FrozenClass = object
[docs]class ValueRank(IntEnum): """ Defines dimensions of a variable. This enum does not support all cases since ValueRank support any n>0 but since it is an IntEnum it can be replace by a normal int """ ScalarOrOneDimension = -3 Any = -2 Scalar = -1 OneOrMoreDimensions = 0 OneDimension = 1 # the next names are not in spec but so common we express them here TwoDimensions = 2 ThreeDimensions = 3 FourDimensions = 4
class _MaskEnum(IntEnum): @classmethod def parse_bitfield(cls, the_int): """ Take an integer and interpret it as a set of enum values. """ if not isinstance(the_int, int): raise ValueError("Argument should be an int, we received {} fo type {}".format(the_int, type(the_int))) return {cls(b) for b in cls._bits(the_int)} @classmethod def to_bitfield(cls, collection): """ Takes some enum values and creates an integer from them. """ # make sure all elements are of the correct type (use itertools.tee in case we get passed an # iterator) iter1, iter2 = itertools.tee(iter(collection)) assert all(isinstance(x, cls) for x in iter1) return sum(x.mask for x in iter2) @property def mask(self): return 1 << self.value @staticmethod def _bits(n): """ Iterate over the bits in n. e.g. bits(44) yields at 2, 3, 5 """ assert n >= 0 # avoid infinite recursion pos = 0 while n: if n & 0x1: yield pos n = n // 2 pos += 1
[docs]class AccessLevel(_MaskEnum): """ Bit index to indicate what the access level is. Spec Part 3, appears multiple times, e.g. paragraph 5.6.2 Variable NodeClass """ CurrentRead = 0 CurrentWrite = 1 HistoryRead = 2 HistoryWrite = 3 SemanticChange = 4 StatusWrite = 5 TimestampWrite = 6
[docs]class WriteMask(_MaskEnum): """ Bit index to indicate which attribute of a node is writable Spec Part 3, Paragraph 5.2.7 WriteMask """ AccessLevel = 0 ArrayDimensions = 1 BrowseName = 2 ContainsNoLoops = 3 DataType = 4 Description = 5 DisplayName = 6 EventNotifier = 7 Executable = 8 Historizing = 9 InverseName = 10 IsAbstract = 11 MinimumSamplingInterval = 12 NodeClass = 13 NodeId = 14 Symmetric = 15 UserAccessLevel = 16 UserExecutable = 17 UserWriteMask = 18 ValueRank = 19 WriteMask = 20 ValueForVariableType = 21
[docs]class EventNotifier(_MaskEnum): """ Bit index to indicate how a node can be used for events. Spec Part 3, appears multiple times, e.g. Paragraph 5.4 View NodeClass """ SubscribeToEvents = 0 # Reserved = 1 HistoryRead = 2 HistoryWrite = 3
[docs]class StatusCode(FrozenClass): """ :ivar value: :vartype value: int :ivar name: :vartype name: string :ivar doc: :vartype doc: string """ ua_types = [("value", "UInt32")] def __init__(self, value=0): if isinstance(value, str): self.value = getattr(status_codes.StatusCodes, value) else: self.value = value self._freeze = True
[docs] def check(self): """ Raises an exception if the status code is anything else than 0 (good). Use the is_good() method if you do not want an exception. """ if not self.is_good(): raise UaStatusCodeError(self.value)
[docs] def is_good(self): """ return True if status is Good. """ mask = 3 << 30 if mask & self.value: return False else: return True
@property def name(self): name, _ = status_codes.get_name_and_doc(self.value) return name @property def doc(self): _, doc = status_codes.get_name_and_doc(self.value) return doc def __str__(self): return 'StatusCode({0})'.format( __repr__ = __str__ def __eq__(self, other): return self.value == other.value def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs]class NodeIdType(IntEnum): TwoByte = 0 FourByte = 1 Numeric = 2 String = 3 Guid = 4 ByteString = 5
[docs]class NodeId(object): """ NodeId Object Args: identifier: The identifier might be an int, a string, bytes or a Guid namespaceidx(int): The index of the namespace nodeidtype(NodeIdType): The type of the nodeid if it cannor be guess or you want something special like twobyte nodeid or fourbytenodeid :ivar Identifier: :vartype Identifier: NodeId :ivar NamespaceIndex: :vartype NamespaceIndex: Int :ivar NamespaceUri: :vartype NamespaceUri: String :ivar ServerIndex: :vartype ServerIndex: Int """ def __init__(self, identifier=None, namespaceidx=0, nodeidtype=None): self.Identifier = identifier self.NamespaceIndex = namespaceidx self.NodeIdType = nodeidtype self.NamespaceUri = "" self.ServerIndex = 0 self._freeze = True if self.Identifier is None: self.Identifier = 0 if namespaceidx == 0: self.NodeIdType = NodeIdType.TwoByte else: # TwoByte NodeId does not encode namespace. self.NodeIdType = NodeIdType.Numeric return if self.NodeIdType is None: if isinstance(self.Identifier, int): self.NodeIdType = NodeIdType.Numeric elif isinstance(self.Identifier, str): self.NodeIdType = NodeIdType.String elif isinstance(self.Identifier, bytes): self.NodeIdType = NodeIdType.ByteString elif isinstance(self.Identifier, uuid.UUID): self.NodeIdType = NodeIdType.Guid else: raise UaError("NodeId: Could not guess type of NodeId, set NodeIdType") def __eq__(self, node): return isinstance(node, NodeId) and self.NamespaceIndex == node.NamespaceIndex and self.Identifier == node.Identifier def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.NamespaceIndex, self.Identifier)) def __lt__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, NodeId): raise AttributeError("Can only compare to NodeId") return (self.NodeIdType, self.NamespaceIndex, self.Identifier) < (other.NodeIdType, other.NamespaceIndex, other.Identifier)
[docs] def is_null(self): if self.NamespaceIndex != 0: return False return self.has_null_identifier()
[docs] def has_null_identifier(self): if not self.Identifier: return True if self.NodeIdType == NodeIdType.Guid and re.match(b'\x00+', self.Identifier.bytes): return True return False
[docs] @staticmethod def from_string(string): try: return NodeId._from_string(string) except ValueError as ex: raise UaStringParsingError("Error parsing string {0}".format(string), ex)
@staticmethod def _from_string(string): l = string.split(";") identifier = None namespace = 0 ntype = None srv = None nsu = None for el in l: if not el: continue k, v = el.split("=", 1) k = k.strip() v = v.strip() if k == "ns": namespace = int(v) elif k == "i": ntype = NodeIdType.Numeric identifier = int(v) elif k == "s": ntype = NodeIdType.String identifier = v elif k == "g": ntype = NodeIdType.Guid identifier = v elif k == "b": ntype = NodeIdType.ByteString identifier = v elif k == "srv": srv = v elif k == "nsu": nsu = v if identifier is None: raise UaStringParsingError("Could not find identifier in string: " + string) nodeid = NodeId(identifier, namespace, ntype) nodeid.NamespaceUri = nsu nodeid.ServerIndex = srv return nodeid
[docs] def to_string(self): string = [] if self.NamespaceIndex != 0: string.append("ns={0}".format(self.NamespaceIndex)) ntype = None if self.NodeIdType == NodeIdType.Numeric: ntype = "i" elif self.NodeIdType == NodeIdType.String: ntype = "s" elif self.NodeIdType == NodeIdType.TwoByte: ntype = "i" elif self.NodeIdType == NodeIdType.FourByte: ntype = "i" elif self.NodeIdType == NodeIdType.Guid: ntype = "g" elif self.NodeIdType == NodeIdType.ByteString: ntype = "b" string.append("{0}={1}".format(ntype, self.Identifier)) if self.ServerIndex: string.append("srv={}".format(self.ServerIndex)) if self.NamespaceUri: string.append("nsu={0}".format(self.NamespaceUri)) return ";".join(string)
def __str__(self): return "{0}NodeId({1})".format(, self.to_string()) __repr__ = __str__
[docs] def to_binary(self): import opcua return
[docs]class TwoByteNodeId(NodeId): def __init__(self, identifier): NodeId.__init__(self, identifier, 0, NodeIdType.TwoByte)
[docs]class FourByteNodeId(NodeId): def __init__(self, identifier, namespace=0): NodeId.__init__(self, identifier, namespace, NodeIdType.FourByte)
[docs]class NumericNodeId(NodeId): def __init__(self, identifier, namespace=0): NodeId.__init__(self, identifier, namespace, NodeIdType.Numeric)
[docs]class ByteStringNodeId(NodeId): def __init__(self, identifier, namespace=0): NodeId.__init__(self, identifier, namespace, NodeIdType.ByteString)
[docs]class GuidNodeId(NodeId): def __init__(self, identifier, namespace=0): NodeId.__init__(self, identifier, namespace, NodeIdType.Guid)
[docs]class StringNodeId(NodeId): def __init__(self, identifier, namespace=0): NodeId.__init__(self, identifier, namespace, NodeIdType.String)
ExpandedNodeId = NodeId
[docs]class QualifiedName(FrozenClass): """ A string qualified with a namespace index. """ ua_types = [ ('NamespaceIndex', 'UInt16'), ('Name', 'String'), ] def __init__(self, name=None, namespaceidx=0): if not isinstance(namespaceidx, int): raise UaError("namespaceidx must be an int") self.NamespaceIndex = namespaceidx self.Name = name self._freeze = True
[docs] def to_string(self): return "{0}:{1}".format(self.NamespaceIndex, self.Name)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_string(string): if ":" in string: try: idx, name = string.split(":", 1) idx = int(idx) except (TypeError, ValueError) as ex: raise UaStringParsingError("Error parsing string {0}".format(string), ex) else: idx = 0 name = string return QualifiedName(name, idx)
def __eq__(self, bname): return isinstance(bname, QualifiedName) and self.Name == bname.Name and self.NamespaceIndex == bname.NamespaceIndex def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __lt__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, QualifiedName): raise TypeError("Cannot compare QualifiedName and {0}".format(other)) if self.NamespaceIndex == other.NamespaceIndex: return self.Name < other.Name else: return self.NamespaceIndex < other.NamespaceIndex def __str__(self): return 'QualifiedName({0}:{1})'.format(self.NamespaceIndex, self.Name) __repr__ = __str__
[docs]class LocalizedText(FrozenClass): """ A string qualified with a namespace index. """ ua_switches = { 'Locale': ('Encoding', 0), 'Text': ('Encoding', 1), } ua_types = ( ('Encoding', 'Byte'), ('Locale', 'String'), ('Text', 'String'), ) def __init__(self, text=None): self.Encoding = 0 self._text = None if text: self.Text = text self.Locale = None self._freeze = True @property def Text(self): return self._text @Text.setter def Text(self, text): if isinstance(text, str): pass elif isinstance(text, bytes): text = text.decode() else: raise ValueError("A LocalizedText object takes a string as argument, not a {}, {}".format(type(text), text)) self._text = text if self._text: self.Encoding |= (1 << 1)
[docs] def to_string(self): # FIXME: use local if self.Text is None: return "" return self.Text
def __str__(self): return 'LocalizedText(' + 'Encoding:' + str(self.Encoding) + ', ' + \ 'Locale:' + str(self.Locale) + ', ' + \ 'Text:' + str(self.Text) +')' __repr__ = __str__ def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, LocalizedText) and self.Locale == other.Locale and self.Text == other.Text: return True return False def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs]class ExtensionObject(FrozenClass): """ Any UA object packed as an ExtensionObject :ivar TypeId: :vartype TypeId: NodeId :ivar Body: :vartype Body: bytes """ ua_switches = { 'Body': ('Encoding', 0), } ua_types = ( ("TypeId", "NodeId"), ("Encoding", "Byte"), ("Body", "ByteString"), ) def __init__(self): self.TypeId = NodeId() self.Encoding = 0 self.Body = None self._freeze = True def __bool__(self): return self.Body is not None __nonzero__ = __bool__ # Python2 compatibilty def __str__(self): size = len(self.Body) if self.Body is not None else None return 'ExtensionObject(' + 'TypeId:' + str(self.TypeId) + ', ' + \ 'Encoding:' + str(self.Encoding) + ', ' + str(size) + ' bytes)' __repr__ = __str__
[docs]class VariantType(Enum): """ The possible types of a variant. :ivar Null: :ivar Boolean: :ivar SByte: :ivar Byte: :ivar Int16: :ivar UInt16: :ivar Int32: :ivar UInt32: :ivar Int64: :ivar UInt64: :ivar Float: :ivar Double: :ivar String: :ivar DateTime: :ivar Guid: :ivar ByteString: :ivar XmlElement: :ivar NodeId: :ivar ExpandedNodeId: :ivar StatusCode: :ivar QualifiedName: :ivar LocalizedText: :ivar ExtensionObject: :ivar DataValue: :ivar Variant: :ivar DiagnosticInfo: """ Null = 0 Boolean = 1 SByte = 2 Byte = 3 Int16 = 4 UInt16 = 5 Int32 = 6 UInt32 = 7 Int64 = 8 UInt64 = 9 Float = 10 Double = 11 String = 12 DateTime = 13 Guid = 14 ByteString = 15 XmlElement = 16 NodeId = 17 ExpandedNodeId = 18 StatusCode = 19 QualifiedName = 20 LocalizedText = 21 ExtensionObject = 22 DataValue = 23 Variant = 24 DiagnosticInfo = 25
[docs]class VariantTypeCustom(object): """ Looks like sometime we get variant with other values than those defined in VariantType. FIXME: We should not need this class, as far as I iunderstand the spec variants can only be of VariantType """ def __init__(self, val): = "Custom" self.value = val if self.value > 0b00111111: raise UaError( "Cannot create VariantType. VariantType must be {0} > x > {1}, received {2}".format(0b111111, 25, val)) def __str__(self): return "VariantType.Custom:{0}".format(self.value) __repr__ = __str__ def __eq__(self, other): return self.value == other.value
[docs]class Variant(FrozenClass): """ Create an OPC-UA Variant object. if no argument a Null Variant is created. if not variant type is given, attemps to guess type from python type if a variant is given as value, the new objects becomes a copy of the argument :ivar Value: :vartype Value: Any supported type :ivar VariantType: :vartype VariantType: VariantType :ivar Dimension: :vartype Dimensions: The length of each dimensions. Usually guessed from value. :ivar is_array: :vartype is_array: If the variant is an array. Usually guessed from value. """ def __init__(self, value=None, varianttype=None, dimensions=None, is_array=None): self._freeze = False # defers validation until ready. # Value, VariantType self._value = None self._variantType = None if isinstance(value, Variant): self.Value = value.Value self.VariantType = value.VariantType else: self.Value = value self.VariantType = varianttype # Dimensions self.Dimensions = dimensions if dimensions is None and isinstance(self.Value, (list, tuple)): dims = get_shape(self.Value) if len(dims) > 1: self.Dimensions = dims # is_array if is_array is not None: self.is_array = bool(is_array) else: self.is_array = isinstance(self.Value, (list, tuple)) # Validation check self._freeze = True self._validate() @property def Value(self): return self._value @Value.setter def Value(self, value): if not (self._value is None or isinstance(value, type(self._value))): logger.warning("Datatype changed from {} to {} in Variant {}.".format(type(self._value), type(value), self)) self._value = value self._validate() @property def VariantType(self): return self._variantType @VariantType.setter def VariantType(self, variantType): if variantType is not None: self._variantType = variantType else: self._variantType = self._guess_type(self.Value) self._validate() def _validate(self): if self._freeze is False: return elif isinstance(self._value, int) and self.VariantType in (VariantType.Float, VariantType.Double): self._value = float(self._value) elif self._value is None and not self.is_array and \ self.VariantType not in (VariantType.Null, VariantType.String, VariantType.DateTime): raise UaError("Non array Variant of type {0} cannot have value None".format(self.VariantType)) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Variant) and self.VariantType == other.VariantType and self.Value == other.Value: return True return False def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def _guess_type(self, val): if isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): error_val = val while val and isinstance(val[0], (list, tuple)): val = val[0] types = {type(el) for el in val} if len(types) == 0: raise UaError("List of zero length. Could not guess UA type of variable {0}".format(error_val)) elif types == set([int, float]): logger.debug( "Variable {0} has ints and floats. UA type will be {1}".format(error_val, VariantType.Double) ) val = float() elif len(types) > 1: raise UaError("List of multiple types. Could not guess UA type of variable {0}".format(error_val)) else: val = val[0] if val is None: return VariantType.Null elif isinstance(val, bool): return VariantType.Boolean elif isinstance(val, float): return VariantType.Double elif isinstance(val, IntEnum): return VariantType.Int32 elif isinstance(val, int): return VariantType.Int64 elif isinstance(val, (str, unicode)): return VariantType.String elif isinstance(val, bytes): return VariantType.ByteString elif isinstance(val, datetime): return VariantType.DateTime elif isinstance(val, uuid.UUID): return VariantType.Guid else: if isinstance(val, object): try: return getattr(VariantType, val.__class__.__name__) except AttributeError: return VariantType.ExtensionObject else: raise UaError("Could not guess UA type of {0} with type {1}, specify UA type".format(val, type(val))) def __str__(self): return "Variant(val:{0!s},type:{1})".format(self.Value, self.VariantType) __repr__ = __str__
def _split_list(l, n): n = max(1, n) return [l[i:i + n] for i in range(0, len(l), n)]
[docs]def flatten_and_get_shape(mylist): dims = [] dims.append(len(mylist)) while isinstance(mylist[0], (list, tuple)): dims.append(len(mylist[0])) mylist = [item for sublist in mylist for item in sublist] if len(mylist) == 0: break return mylist, dims
[docs]def flatten(mylist): if mylist is None: return None elif len(mylist) == 0: return mylist while isinstance(mylist[0], (list, tuple)): mylist = [item for sublist in mylist for item in sublist] if len(mylist) == 0: break return mylist
[docs]def get_shape(mylist): dims = [] while isinstance(mylist, (list, tuple)): dims.append(len(mylist)) if len(mylist) == 0: break mylist = mylist[0] return dims
[docs]class DataValue(FrozenClass): """ A value with an associated timestamp, and quality. Automatically generated from xml , copied and modified here to fix errors in xml spec :ivar Value: :vartype Value: Variant :ivar StatusCode: :vartype StatusCode: StatusCode :ivar SourceTimestamp: :vartype SourceTimestamp: datetime :ivar SourcePicoSeconds: :vartype SourcePicoSeconds: int :ivar ServerTimestamp: :vartype ServerTimestamp: datetime :ivar ServerPicoseconds: :vartype ServerPicoseconds: int """ ua_switches = { 'Value': ('Encoding', 0), 'StatusCode': ('Encoding', 1), 'SourceTimestamp': ('Encoding', 2), 'ServerTimestamp': ('Encoding', 3), 'SourcePicoseconds': ('Encoding', 4), 'ServerPicoseconds': ('Encoding', 5), } ua_types = ( ('Encoding', 'Byte'), ('Value', 'Variant'), ('StatusCode', 'StatusCode'), ('SourceTimestamp', 'DateTime'), ('SourcePicoseconds', 'UInt16'), ('ServerTimestamp', 'DateTime'), ('ServerPicoseconds', 'UInt16'), ) def __init__(self, variant=None, status=None): self.Encoding = 0 if not isinstance(variant, Variant): variant = Variant(variant) self.Value = variant if status is None: self.StatusCode = StatusCode() else: self.StatusCode = status self.SourceTimestamp = None # DateTime() self.SourcePicoseconds = None self.ServerTimestamp = None # DateTime() self.ServerPicoseconds = None self._freeze = True def __str__(self): s = 'DataValue(Value:{0}'.format(self.Value) if self.StatusCode is not None: s += ', StatusCode:{0}'.format(self.StatusCode) if self.SourceTimestamp is not None: s += ', SourceTimestamp:{0}'.format(self.SourceTimestamp) if self.ServerTimestamp is not None: s += ', ServerTimestamp:{0}'.format(self.ServerTimestamp) if self.SourcePicoseconds is not None: s += ', SourcePicoseconds:{0}'.format(self.SourcePicoseconds) if self.ServerPicoseconds is not None: s += ', ServerPicoseconds:{0}'.format(self.ServerPicoseconds) s += ')' return s __repr__ = __str__
[docs]def datatype_to_varianttype(int_type): """ Takes a NodeId or int and return a VariantType This is only supported if int_type < 63 due to VariantType encoding At low level we do not have access to address space thus decoding is limited a better version of this method can be find in """ if isinstance(int_type, NodeId): int_type = int_type.Identifier if int_type <= 25: return VariantType(int_type) else: return VariantTypeCustom(int_type)
[docs]def get_default_value(vtype): """ Given a variant type return default value for this type """ if vtype == VariantType.Null: return None elif vtype == VariantType.Boolean: return False elif vtype in (VariantType.SByte, VariantType.Byte): return 0 elif vtype == VariantType.ByteString: return b"" elif 4 <= vtype.value <= 9: return 0 elif vtype in (VariantType.Float, VariantType.Double): return 0.0 elif vtype == VariantType.String: return None # a string can be null elif vtype == VariantType.DateTime: return datetime.utcnow() elif vtype == VariantType.Guid: return uuid.uuid4() elif vtype == VariantType.XmlElement: return None #Not sure this is correct elif vtype == VariantType.NodeId: return NodeId() elif vtype == VariantType.ExpandedNodeId: return NodeId() elif vtype == VariantType.StatusCode: return StatusCode() elif vtype == VariantType.QualifiedName: return QualifiedName() elif vtype == VariantType.LocalizedText: return LocalizedText() elif vtype == VariantType.ExtensionObject: return ExtensionObject() elif vtype == VariantType.DataValue: return DataValue() elif vtype == VariantType.Variant: return Variant() else: raise RuntimeError("function take a uatype as argument, got:", vtype)
# These dictionnaries are used to register extensions classes for automatic # decoding and encoding extension_object_classes = {} extension_object_ids = {}
[docs]def register_extension_object(name, nodeid, class_type): """ Register a new extension object for automatic decoding and make them available in ua module """"registring new extension object: %s %s %s", name, nodeid, class_type) extension_object_classes[nodeid] = class_type extension_object_ids[name] = nodeid # FIXME: Next line is not exactly a Python best practices, so feel free to propose something else # add new extensions objects to ua modules to automate decoding import setattr(, name, class_type)
[docs]def get_extensionobject_class_type(typeid): """ Returns the registered class type for typid of an extension object """ if typeid in extension_object_classes: return extension_object_classes[typeid] else: return None
[docs]class SecurityPolicyType(Enum): """ The supported types of SecurityPolicy. "None" "Basic128Rsa15_Sign" "Basic128Rsa15_SignAndEncrypt" "Basic256_Sign" "Basic256_SignAndEncrypt" "Basic256Sha256_Sign" "Basic256Sha256_SignAndEncrypt" """ NoSecurity = 0 Basic128Rsa15_Sign = 1 Basic128Rsa15_SignAndEncrypt = 2 Basic256_Sign = 3 Basic256_SignAndEncrypt = 4 Basic256Sha256_Sign = 5 Basic256Sha256_SignAndEncrypt = 6