Source code for

import logging
import sys
import argparse
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import math
import time

    from IPython import embed
except ImportError:
    import code

[docs] def embed(): code.interact(local=dict(globals(), **locals()))
from opcua import ua from opcua import Client from opcua import Server from opcua import Node from opcua import uamethod from import UaStatusCodeError
[docs]def add_minimum_args(parser): parser.add_argument("-u", "--url", help="URL of OPC UA server (for example: opc.tcp://", default='opc.tcp://localhost:4840', metavar="URL") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="loglevel", choices=['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'], default='WARNING', help="Set log level") parser.add_argument("--timeout", dest="timeout", type=int, default=1, help="Set socket timeout (NOT the diverse UA timeouts)")
[docs]def add_common_args(parser, default_node='i=84', require_node=False): add_minimum_args(parser) parser.add_argument("-n", "--nodeid", help="Fully-qualified node ID (for example: i=85). Default: root node", default=default_node, required=require_node, metavar="NODE") parser.add_argument("-p", "--path", help="Comma separated browse path to the node starting at NODE (for example: 3:Mybject,3:MyVariable)", default='', metavar="BROWSEPATH") parser.add_argument("-i", "--namespace", help="Default namespace", type=int, default=0, metavar="NAMESPACE") parser.add_argument("--security", help="Security settings, for example: Basic256Sha256,SignAndEncrypt,cert.der,pk.pem[,server_cert.der]. Default: None", default='') parser.add_argument("--user", help="User name for authentication. Overrides the user name given in the URL.") parser.add_argument("--password", help="Password name for authentication. Overrides the password given in the URL.")
def _require_nodeid(parser, args): # check that a nodeid has been given explicitly, a bit hackish... if args.nodeid == "i=84" and args.path == "": parser.print_usage() print("{0}: error: A NodeId or BrowsePath is required".format(parser.prog)) sys.exit(1)
[docs]def parse_args(parser, requirenodeid=False): args = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s", level=getattr(logging, args.loglevel)) if args.url and '://' not in args.url:"Adding default scheme %s to URL %s", ua.OPC_TCP_SCHEME, args.url) args.url = ua.OPC_TCP_SCHEME + '://' + args.url if requirenodeid: _require_nodeid(parser, args) return args
[docs]def get_node(client, args): node = client.get_node(args.nodeid) if args.path: path = args.path.split(",") if node.nodeid == ua.NodeId(84, 0) and path[0] == "0:Root": # let user specify root if not node given path = path[1:] node = node.get_child(path) return node
[docs]def uaread(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Read attribute of a node, per default reads value of a node") add_common_args(parser) parser.add_argument("-a", "--attribute", dest="attribute", type=int, default=ua.AttributeIds.Value, help="Set attribute to read") parser.add_argument("-t", "--datatype", dest="datatype", default="python", choices=['python', 'variant', 'datavalue'], help="Data type to return") args = parse_args(parser, requirenodeid=True) client = Client(args.url, timeout=args.timeout) client.set_security_string( client.connect() try: node = get_node(client, args) attr = node.get_attribute(args.attribute) if args.datatype == "python": print(attr.Value.Value) elif args.datatype == "variant": print(attr.Value) else: print(attr) finally: client.disconnect() sys.exit(0) print(args)
def _args_to_array(val, array): if array == "guess": if "," in val: array = "true" if array == "true": val = val.split(",") return val def _arg_to_bool(val): return val in ("true", "True") def _arg_to_variant(val, array, ptype, varianttype=None): val = _args_to_array(val, array) if isinstance(val, list): val = [ptype(i) for i in val] else: val = ptype(val) if varianttype: return ua.Variant(val, varianttype) else: return ua.Variant(val) def _val_to_variant(val, args): array = args.array if args.datatype == "guess": if val in ("true", "True", "false", "False"): return _arg_to_variant(val, array, _arg_to_bool) try: return _arg_to_variant(val, array, int) except ValueError: try: return _arg_to_variant(val, array, float) except ValueError: return _arg_to_variant(val, array, str) elif args.datatype == "bool": if val in ("1", "True", "true"): return ua.Variant(True, ua.VariantType.Boolean) else: return ua.Variant(False, ua.VariantType.Boolean) elif args.datatype == "sbyte": return _arg_to_variant(val, array, int, ua.VariantType.SByte) elif args.datatype == "byte": return _arg_to_variant(val, array, int, ua.VariantType.Byte) #elif args.datatype == "uint8": #return _arg_to_variant(val, array, int, ua.VariantType.Byte) elif args.datatype == "uint16": return _arg_to_variant(val, array, int, ua.VariantType.UInt16) elif args.datatype == "uint32": return _arg_to_variant(val, array, int, ua.VariantType.UInt32) elif args.datatype == "uint64": return _arg_to_variant(val, array, int, ua.VariantType.UInt64) #elif args.datatype == "int8": #return ua.Variant(int(val), ua.VariantType.Int8) elif args.datatype == "int16": return _arg_to_variant(val, array, int, ua.VariantType.Int16) elif args.datatype == "int32": return _arg_to_variant(val, array, int, ua.VariantType.Int32) elif args.datatype == "int64": return _arg_to_variant(val, array, int, ua.VariantType.Int64) elif args.datatype == "float": return _arg_to_variant(val, array, float, ua.VariantType.Float) elif args.datatype == "double": return _arg_to_variant(val, array, float, ua.VariantType.Double) elif args.datatype == "string": return _arg_to_variant(val, array, str, ua.VariantType.String) elif args.datatype == "datetime": raise NotImplementedError elif args.datatype == "Guid": return _arg_to_variant(val, array, bytes, ua.VariantType.Guid) elif args.datatype == "ByteString": return _arg_to_variant(val, array, bytes, ua.VariantType.ByteString) elif args.datatype == "xml": return _arg_to_variant(val, array, str, ua.VariantType.XmlElement) elif args.datatype == "nodeid": return _arg_to_variant(val, array, ua.NodeId.from_string, ua.VariantType.NodeId) elif args.datatype == "expandednodeid": return _arg_to_variant(val, array, ua.ExpandedNodeId.from_string, ua.VariantType.ExpandedNodeId) elif args.datatype == "statuscode": return _arg_to_variant(val, array, int, ua.VariantType.StatusCode) elif args.datatype in ("qualifiedname", "browsename"): return _arg_to_variant(val, array, ua.QualifiedName.from_string, ua.VariantType.QualifiedName) elif args.datatype == "LocalizedText": return _arg_to_variant(val, array, ua.LocalizedText, ua.VariantType.LocalizedText) def _configure_client_with_args(client, args): if args.user: client.set_user(args.user) if args.password: client.set_password(args.password) client.set_security_string(
[docs]def uawrite(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Write attribute of a node, per default write value of node") add_common_args(parser) parser.add_argument("-a", "--attribute", dest="attribute", type=int, default=ua.AttributeIds.Value, help="Set attribute to read") parser.add_argument("-l", "--list", "--array", dest="array", default="guess", choices=["guess", "true", "false"], help="Value is an array") parser.add_argument("-t", "--datatype", dest="datatype", default="guess", choices=["guess", 'byte', 'sbyte', 'nodeid', 'expandednodeid', 'qualifiedname', 'browsename', 'string', 'float', 'double', 'int16', 'int32', "int64", 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64', "bool", "string", 'datetime', 'bytestring', 'xmlelement', 'statuscode', 'localizedtext'], help="Data type to return") parser.add_argument("value", help="Value to be written", metavar="VALUE") args = parse_args(parser, requirenodeid=True) client = Client(args.url, timeout=args.timeout) _configure_client_with_args(client, args) client.connect() try: node = get_node(client, args) val = _val_to_variant(args.value, args) node.set_attribute(args.attribute, ua.DataValue(val)) finally: client.disconnect() sys.exit(0) print(args)
[docs]def uals(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Browse OPC-UA node and print result") add_common_args(parser) parser.add_argument("-l", dest="long_format", const=3, nargs="?", type=int, help="use a long listing format") parser.add_argument("-d", "--depth", default=1, type=int, help="Browse depth") args = parse_args(parser) if args.long_format is None: args.long_format = 1 client = Client(args.url, timeout=args.timeout) _configure_client_with_args(client, args) client.connect() try: node = get_node(client, args) print("Browsing node {0} at {1}\n".format(node, args.url)) if args.long_format == 0: _lsprint_0(node, args.depth - 1) elif args.long_format == 1: _lsprint_1(node, args.depth - 1) else: _lsprint_long(node, args.depth - 1) finally: client.disconnect() sys.exit(0) print(args)
def _lsprint_0(node, depth, indent=""): if not indent: print("{0:30} {1:25}".format("DisplayName", "NodeId")) print("") for desc in node.get_children_descriptions(): print("{0}{1:30} {2:25}".format(indent, desc.DisplayName.to_string(), desc.NodeId.to_string())) if depth: _lsprint_0(Node(node.server, desc.NodeId), depth - 1, indent + " ") def _lsprint_1(node, depth, indent=""): if not indent: print("{0:30} {1:25} {2:25} {3:25}".format("DisplayName", "NodeId", "BrowseName", "Value")) print("") for desc in node.get_children_descriptions(): if desc.NodeClass == ua.NodeClass.Variable: try: val = Node(node.server, desc.NodeId).get_value() except UaStatusCodeError as err: val = "Bad (0x{0:x})".format(err.code) print("{0}{1:30} {2!s:25} {3!s:25}, {4!s:3}".format(indent, desc.DisplayName.to_string(), desc.NodeId.to_string(), desc.BrowseName.to_string(), val)) else: print("{0}{1:30} {2!s:25} {3!s:25}".format(indent, desc.DisplayName.to_string(), desc.NodeId.to_string(), desc.BrowseName.to_string())) if depth: _lsprint_1(Node(node.server, desc.NodeId), depth - 1, indent + " ") def _lsprint_long(pnode, depth, indent=""): if not indent: print("{0:30} {1:25} {2:25} {3:10} {4:30} {5:25}".format("DisplayName", "NodeId", "BrowseName", "DataType", "Timestamp", "Value")) print("") for node in pnode.get_children(): attrs = node.get_attributes([ua.AttributeIds.DisplayName, ua.AttributeIds.BrowseName, ua.AttributeIds.NodeClass, ua.AttributeIds.WriteMask, ua.AttributeIds.UserWriteMask, ua.AttributeIds.DataType, ua.AttributeIds.Value]) name, bname, nclass, mask, umask, dtype, val = [attr.Value.Value for attr in attrs] update = attrs[-1].ServerTimestamp if nclass == ua.NodeClass.Variable: print("{0}{1:30} {2:25} {3:25} {4:10} {5!s:30} {6!s:25}".format(indent, name.to_string(), node.nodeid.to_string(), bname.to_string(), dtype.to_string(), update, val)) else: print("{0}{1:30} {2:25} {3:25}".format(indent, name.to_string(), bname.to_string(), node.nodeid.to_string())) if depth: _lsprint_long(node, depth - 1, indent + " ")
[docs]class SubHandler(object):
[docs] def datachange_notification(self, node, val, data): print("New data change event", node, val, data)
[docs] def event_notification(self, event): print("New event", event)
[docs]def uasubscribe(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Subscribe to a node and print results") add_common_args(parser) parser.add_argument("-t", "--eventtype", dest="eventtype", default="datachange", choices=['datachange', 'event'], help="Event type to subscribe to") args = parse_args(parser, requirenodeid=False) if args.eventtype == "datachange": _require_nodeid(parser, args) else: # FIXME: this is broken, someone may have written i=84 on purpose if args.nodeid == "i=84" and args.path == "": args.nodeid = "i=2253" client = Client(args.url, timeout=args.timeout) _configure_client_with_args(client, args) client.connect() try: node = get_node(client, args) handler = SubHandler() sub = client.create_subscription(500, handler) if args.eventtype == "datachange": sub.subscribe_data_change(node) else: sub.subscribe_events(node) print("Type Ctr-C to exit") while True: time.sleep(1) finally: client.disconnect() sys.exit(0) print(args)
[docs]def application_to_strings(app): result = [] result.append(('Application URI', app.ApplicationUri)) optionals = [ ('Product URI', app.ProductUri), ('Application Name', app.ApplicationName.to_string()), ('Application Type', str(app.ApplicationType)), ('Gateway Server URI', app.GatewayServerUri), ('Discovery Profile URI', app.DiscoveryProfileUri), ] for (n, v) in optionals: if v: result.append((n, v)) for url in app.DiscoveryUrls: result.append(('Discovery URL', url)) return result # ['{}: {}'.format(n, v) for (n, v) in result]
[docs]def cert_to_string(der): if not der: return '[no certificate]' try: from opcua.crypto import uacrypto except ImportError: return "{0} bytes".format(len(der)) cert = uacrypto.x509_from_der(der) return uacrypto.x509_to_string(cert)
[docs]def endpoint_to_strings(ep): result = [('Endpoint URL', ep.EndpointUrl)] result += application_to_strings(ep.Server) result += [ ('Server Certificate', cert_to_string(ep.ServerCertificate)), ('Security Mode', str(ep.SecurityMode)), ('Security Policy URI', ep.SecurityPolicyUri)] for tok in ep.UserIdentityTokens: result += [ ('User policy', tok.PolicyId), (' Token type', str(tok.TokenType))] if tok.IssuedTokenType or tok.IssuerEndpointUrl: result += [ (' Issued Token type', tok.IssuedTokenType), (' Issuer Endpoint URL', tok.IssuerEndpointUrl)] if tok.SecurityPolicyUri: result.append((' Security Policy URI', tok.SecurityPolicyUri)) result += [ ('Transport Profile URI', ep.TransportProfileUri), ('Security Level', ep.SecurityLevel)] return result
[docs]def uaclient(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Connect to server and start python shell. root and objects nodes are available. Node specificed in command line is available as mynode variable") add_common_args(parser) parser.add_argument("-c", "--certificate", help="set client certificate") parser.add_argument("-k", "--private_key", help="set client private key") args = parse_args(parser) client = Client(args.url, timeout=args.timeout) _configure_client_with_args(client, args) if args.certificate: client.load_client_certificate(args.certificate) if args.private_key: client.load_private_key(args.private_key) client.connect() try: root = client.get_root_node() objects = client.get_objects_node() mynode = get_node(client, args) embed() finally: client.disconnect() sys.exit(0)
[docs]def uaserver(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run an example OPC-UA server. By importing xml definition and using uawrite command line, it is even possible to expose real data using this server") # we setup a server, this is a bit different from other tool so we do not reuse common arguments parser.add_argument("-u", "--url", help="URL of OPC UA server, default is opc.tcp://", default='opc.tcp://', metavar="URL") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="loglevel", choices=['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'], default='WARNING', help="Set log level") parser.add_argument("-x", "--xml", metavar="XML_FILE", help="Populate address space with nodes defined in XML") parser.add_argument("-p", "--populate", action="store_true", help="Populate address space with some sample nodes") parser.add_argument("-c", "--disable-clock", action="store_true", help="Disable clock, to avoid seeing many write if debugging an application") parser.add_argument("-s", "--shell", action="store_true", help="Start python shell instead of randomly changing node values") parser.add_argument("--certificate", help="set server certificate") parser.add_argument("--private_key", help="set server private key") args = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s", level=getattr(logging, args.loglevel)) server = Server() server.set_endpoint(args.url) if args.certificate: server.load_certificate(args.certificate) if args.private_key: server.load_private_key(args.private_key) server.disable_clock(args.disable_clock) server.set_server_name("FreeOpcUa Example Server") if args.xml: server.import_xml(args.xml) if args.populate: @uamethod def multiply(parent, x, y): print("multiply method call with parameters: ", x, y) return x * y uri = "" idx = server.register_namespace(uri) objects = server.get_objects_node() myobj = objects.add_object(idx, "MyObject") mywritablevar = myobj.add_variable(idx, "MyWritableVariable", 6.7) mywritablevar.set_writable() # Set MyVariable to be writable by clients myvar = myobj.add_variable(idx, "MyVariable", 6.7) myarrayvar = myobj.add_variable(idx, "MyVarArray", [6.7, 7.9]) myprop = myobj.add_property(idx, "MyProperty", "I am a property") mymethod = myobj.add_method(idx, "MyMethod", multiply, [ua.VariantType.Double, ua.VariantType.Int64], [ua.VariantType.Double]) server.start() try: if embed() elif args.populate: count = 0 while True: time.sleep(1) myvar.set_value(math.sin(count / 10)) myarrayvar.set_value([math.sin(count / 10), math.sin(count / 100)]) count += 1 else: while True: time.sleep(1) finally: server.stop() sys.exit(0)
[docs]def uadiscover(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Performs OPC UA discovery and prints information on servers and endpoints.") add_minimum_args(parser) parser.add_argument("-n", "--network", action="store_true", help="Also send a FindServersOnNetwork request to server") #parser.add_argument("-s", #"--servers", #action="store_false", #help="send a FindServers request to server") #parser.add_argument("-e", #"--endpoints", #action="store_false", #help="send a GetEndpoints request to server") args = parse_args(parser) client = Client(args.url, timeout=args.timeout) if print("Performing discovery at {0}\n".format(args.url)) for i, server in enumerate(client.connect_and_find_servers_on_network(), start=1): print('Server {0}:'.format(i)) #for (n, v) in application_to_strings(server): #print(' {}: {}'.format(n, v)) print('') print("Performing discovery at {0}\n".format(args.url)) for i, server in enumerate(client.connect_and_find_servers(), start=1): print('Server {0}:'.format(i)) for (n, v) in application_to_strings(server): print(' {0}: {1}'.format(n, v)) print('') for i, ep in enumerate(client.connect_and_get_server_endpoints(), start=1): print('Endpoint {0}:'.format(i)) for (n, v) in endpoint_to_strings(ep): print(' {0}: {1}'.format(n, v)) print('') sys.exit(0)
[docs]def str_to_datetime(s, default=None): if not s: if default is not None: return default return datetime.utcnow() # FIXME: try different datetime formats for fmt in ["%Y-%m-%d", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"]: try: return datetime.strptime(s, fmt) except ValueError: pass
[docs]def uahistoryread(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Read history of a node") add_common_args(parser) parser.add_argument("--starttime", default=None, help="Start time, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD [HH:MM[:SS]]. Default: current time - one day") parser.add_argument("--endtime", default=None, help="End time, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD [HH:MM[:SS]]. Default: current time") parser.add_argument("-e", "--events", action="store_true", help="Read event history instead of data change history") parser.add_argument("-l", "--limit", type=int, default=10, help="Maximum number of notfication to return") args = parse_args(parser, requirenodeid=True) client = Client(args.url, timeout=args.timeout) _configure_client_with_args(client, args) client.connect() try: node = get_node(client, args) starttime = str_to_datetime(args.starttime, datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=1)) endtime = str_to_datetime(args.endtime, datetime.utcnow()) print("Reading raw history of node {0} at {1}; start at {2}, end at {3}\n".format(node, args.url, starttime, endtime)) if evs = node.read_event_history(starttime, endtime, numvalues=args.limit) for ev in evs: print(ev) else: print_history(node.read_raw_history(starttime, endtime, numvalues=args.limit)) finally: client.disconnect() sys.exit(0)
[docs]def uacall(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Call method of a node") add_common_args(parser) parser.add_argument("-m", "--method", dest="method", type=int, default=None, help="Set method to call. If not given then (single) method of the selected node is used.") parser.add_argument("-M", "--method-name", dest="method_name", type=str, default=None, help="Set name of method to call. Overrides --method") parser.add_argument("-l", "--list", "--array", dest="array", default="guess", choices=["guess", "true", "false"], help="Value is an array") parser.add_argument("-t", "--datatype", dest="datatype", default="guess", choices=["guess", 'byte', 'sbyte', 'nodeid', 'expandednodeid', 'qualifiedname', 'browsename', 'string', 'float', 'double', 'int16', 'int32', "int64", 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64', "bool", "string", 'datetime', 'bytestring', 'xmlelement', 'statuscode', 'localizedtext'], help="Data type to return") parser.add_argument("value", help="Value to use for call to method, if any", nargs="?", metavar="VALUE") args = parse_args(parser, requirenodeid=True) client = Client(args.url, timeout=args.timeout) _configure_client_with_args(client, args) client.connect() try: node = get_node(client, args) # val must be a tuple in order to enable method calls without arguments if ( args.value is None ): val = () #empty tuple else: val = (_val_to_variant(args.value, args),) # tuple with one element # determine method to call: Either explicitly given or automatically select the method of the selected node. methods = node.get_methods() method_id = None #print( "methods=%s" % (methods) ) if ( args.method_name is not None ): method_id = args.method_name elif ( args.method is None ): if ( len( methods ) == 0 ): raise ValueError( "No methods in selected node and no method given" ) elif ( len( methods ) == 1 ): method_id = methods[0] else: raise ValueError( "Selected node has {0:d} methods but no method given. Provide one of {1!s}".format(*(methods)) ) else: for m in methods: if ( m.nodeid.Identifier == args.method ): method_id = m.nodeid break if ( method_id is None): # last resort: method_id = ua.NodeId( identifier=args.method )#, namespaceidx=? )#, nodeidtype=?): ) #print( "method_id=%s\nval=%s" % (method_id,val) ) result_variants = node.call_method( method_id, *val ) print( "resulting result_variants={0!s}".format(result_variants) ) finally: client.disconnect() sys.exit(0) print(args)
[docs]def uageneratestructs(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate a Python module from the xml structure definition (.bsd)") add_common_args(parser, require_node=True) parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", dest="output_path", required=True, type=str, default=None, help="The python file to be generated.", ) args = parse_args(parser, requirenodeid=True) client = Client(args.url, timeout=args.timeout) _configure_client_with_args(client, args) client.connect() try: node = get_node(client, args) generators, _ = client.load_type_definitions([node]) generators[0].save_to_file(args.output_path, True) finally: client.disconnect() sys.exit(0)